.E m o K i t t y.
not so happy... 2008年3月28日金曜日

Just like angelia said,
I've deserted my blog lol.

I'm gonna write in English for this one,
just because I know there are some japanese friends who would actually stalk on my online diaries, so I do need some privacy...

Anyways, I have so much to say but I'll keep things short.

First of all, I've finished watched Orange Days few days ago...
and oh gosh was that awesome.
its kinna sad that I finished watching it in a way...
since I've been watching it for daysssss in a row.

2ndly, I've finally got my jpop blog 8D
big thanks to raid for making my layout of course.
link is right here.

Sigh, and lastly, this is what I really want to rant about.
I mean seriously, I've talked about this over and over and over again with them already.
But why don't they get it?
How hard is it to understand that "I really hate talking about sexually related things, can you please stop?"
I mean yeah I know all guys are horny, I know japanese are especially horny too.
yes yes yes I understand all that, I don't care if you're horny.
but at least don't show it right in front of a girl who doesn't wanna listen to it.
its really bothering. I'm serious...
arghhhhh. pissing me off.


14:08 ; I love you


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Angelia my Love
Raid the King
Mandy the Queen
David my bro


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brushes : x o x o
picture : deviantART
designer : hui min